International Journal of Excellent Leadership (IJEL) is an open access publication affiliated to ELA Publishing. IJEL is an international double-blind, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research studies and conceptual articles on excellent leadership practices and policy implementations from all over the world. IJEL adheres strictly to double blind peer review process to maintain the publication standards and practices. The journal aims to cater to the needs of the researchers, scholars, academicians and schools that interest educational study, leadership education. IJEL is to promote continuous improvement for everybody and schools through excellent leadership practices and a systemic collaborative approach. The IJEL seeks articles on timely and critical issues from educators and researchers in all educational settings, including K-12 public and private schools, higher education and governmental institutions. After the rigorous peer review process, IJEL publishes manuscripts that include original primary research that can be quantitative, qualitative studies, mixed method empirical analyses, literature reviews, or new conceptualizations of educational policies and leadership practices. Published semiannually, the IJEL is designed to establish a global network among scholars, policymakers and educational leaders to improve schools and student achievement through excellent leadership practices.