Volume 4 Issue 1 (June 2024)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Analysis of Higher Education Students’ Errors in English Composition Classes

Canay Karcı Aktaş

pp. 1 - 11


The objective of this study is to analyse the freshman students’ errors in written composition tasks and in this way to show how important the analysis of errors of students’ written compositions to guide the educators which methods and techniques should be applied. In the study, the written exam papers of 60 freshman students studying at a state university in 2023-2024 were analyzed. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. Study group was determined using convenience sampling method. The collected data were classified and the errors and their frequencies were identified. As a result of the error analysis process, it was observed that the students made four types of errors. These errors include omission, addition, misinformation and misordering. A total of 663 errors were made; 311 were misinformation errors, 209 were omission errors, 113 were addition errors, 30 were misordering errors. Misinformation errors were the most frequent error of the students with 46.91%. This study showed that writing in English was difficult for students. English teachers can use the information of students' types of errors to assess of their learning skills in English. Teachers' awareness of the errors made by the students in writing helps teachers to identify the difficulties students face. Thus, lecturers can change their teaching methods and techniques in the classrooms.

Keywords: Social emotional learning skills, computer game addiction, middle school students

Original Articles A Course on ‘Conversion of Electrical Energy’ Developed With REACT Strategy

Yavuz Kalkan, Güner Tural

pp. 12 - 39


The context-based learning approach is an innovative strategy that places real-life contexts at the center of education. An important strategy developed within this approach is the REACT strategy. This study aims to create an activity plan based on the context-based approach, especially following the REACT strategy, for the topic 'Transformation of Electrical Energy' in the 8th grade 'Electric Charges and Electric Energy/Physical Phenomena' unit in the Turkish National Education curriculum. Additionally, students' opinions regarding the implementation were taken. The qualitative research method was adopted in the study. Firstly, the learning objectives related to this topic were determined. Taking into account the learning outcomes of the topic of electrical energy transformations, an activity plan was created that meets the purpose of each stage of the REACT strategy and allows students to learn with real life contexts. Feedback was received from two middle school science teachers and a physics education academician regarding the suitability of the prepared activity plan for the REACT strategy and 8th grade science. The initial plan was refined based on their input addressing issues such as incomplete implementation of collaboration, mismatch between context topics and subject matter, limited student assessment, and suggested time adjustments. The final activity plan was shaped according to these suggestions. The completed lesson plan was piloted and feedback was received from the students. The students gave feedback that the lessons given using the REACT strategy were motivating due to their relevance to daily life, that they were fun, and that they were different from other lessons because they included activities and more group work.

Keywords: Conversion of electrical energy, lesson plan, REACT

Original Articles Investigation of Teacher Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence -Based Measurement and Evaluation in Some Variables

İbrahim Karamanlıoğlu, Afet Sözen Özden, Bertan Akyol

pp. 40 - 53


In this article, it was aimed to determine whether teachers' “artificial intelligence (AI)-based measurement and evaluation” attitudes differ by socio-demographic characteristics. The sample of this study consisted of 339 teachers who were actively working in the 2023-24 academic year and who had experienced AI-based measurement and evaluation tools and methods at least once. As a result of factor analysis, teachers' attitudes towards AI-based measurement and evaluation were categorized under 4 factors: “Giving importance”, “Being active”, “Developing negative emotions” and “Experience”. It was determined that the attitudes of the teachers attending in the study towards giving importance to AI-based measurement and evaluation differed according to their “age”, “professional seniority” and “in-service training on AI-based measurement and evaluation”. It was determined that their attitudes towards being active differed according to their “age”, “the level they worked at” and “the type of school”. It was determined that the attitudes of developing negative emotions differed according to their “gender”, “age”, “professional seniority”, and “in-service training on AI-based measurement and evaluation”. It was determined that experience attitudes differed according to their “age” and “in-service training on AI-based measurement and evaluation”. This study will raise awareness about the importance of AI-based measurement and evaluation in the digital age and teachers' attitudes towards AI-based measurement and evaluation.

Keywords: Measurement and Evaluation, Artificial Intelligence, Teacher, Attitude

Original Articles English Medium Instruction (EMI) Programs at Turkish Universities: An Overview

Mehmet Birgün

pp. 54 - 62


This study aims to conduct a quantitative examination of English Medium Instruction (EMI) programs in Türkiye, a factor that increases the internationalization of universities and educational institutions. All data were collected from the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) website. This study uses descriptive statistics to provide information and evidence on EMI programs in both public and private universities. The data were analyzed to determine the differences between EMI programs in public and private institutions and to compare basic EMI program features across university types. The findings show that EMI programs in private universities are much more widely implemented than those in public universities. In addition, it is seen that more importance is attached to EMI programs in private universities. One of the important results of this study is the fact that EMI programs have become increasingly popular among students in both public and private universities in recent years. However, the analysis highlights the lack of comprehensive data on current student enrollments, the number of faculty members, and graduation rates in EMI programs, and underscores the need for more precise and accessible information on EMI.

Keywords: English medium instruction, program, EMI, medium of instruction

Original Articles Evaluation of Turkish Language Teaching within the Scope of PIKTES in Line with Instructor Views: Bursa Province Example

Ömer Turan

pp. 63 - 77


In this study, the evaluations of Turkish teaching in terms of didactic opinions within the scope of PIKTES were discussed. The phenomenology approach, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. 38 Turkish teachers working in the project were interviewed in schools in Osmangazi, Yıldırım, Gürsu and Kestel districts of Bursa, where Syrian students are concentrated, and data were collected with semi-structured interview forms. The data in the interview forms were analyzed through descriptive analysis. As a result of the study, it was seen that the class levels of the project were more regularized under the name of "adaptation classes" as of 2020, that many participants did not express their opinions about the method-technique of the instructors in teaching Turkish as a foreign language and that their knowledge about the method was insufficient. It has been determined that most participants do not have information about the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which has an international standard, and they do not benefit from this program. In line with these results, suggestions were made to take steps to teach Turkish to foreigners.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish, teaching Turkish to foreigners, PIKTES