Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Excellent Leadership 2022, Vol. 2(1) 13-25
pp. 13 - 25
Publish Date: June 30, 2022 | Single/Total View: 0/0 | Single/Total Download: 0/0
This is a research on the experiences of Togolese immigrant women in the United States to understand the interconnection, which exists between being African and a woman in the United States. Very few studies documenting the experiences of West African immigrant women are available. In this research, narrative inquiry methodology is used. A literature review was conducted on feminist theories of gender identity and intersectionality issues. Togolese immigrant women were aware that they have different identities. Their awareness provides evidence of how they embody intersectionality in their experiences. They experienced a silent intersectional discrimination. Language barriers were one of the most important challenges they faced in the United States. Togolese immigrant women should take ESL classes upon arrival in the United States. Educators working with Togolese immigrant women should consider the different identities Togolese immigrant women bring with them in school so that their interactions with them may impact their success.
Keywords: Gender roles, intersectionality, post-secondary education
APA 7th edition
Bayamna, T. (2022). Post-Secondary Educational Experiences of Togolese Immigrant Women and Educational Attainment. International Journal of Excellent Leadership, 2(1), 13-25.
Bayamna, T. (2022). Post-Secondary Educational Experiences of Togolese Immigrant Women and Educational Attainment. International Journal of Excellent Leadership, 2(1), pp. 13-25.
Chicago 16th edition
Bayamna, Tela (2022). "Post-Secondary Educational Experiences of Togolese Immigrant Women and Educational Attainment". International Journal of Excellent Leadership 2 (1):13-25.