Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Excellent Leadership 2022, Vol. 2(1) 26-41
pp. 26 - 41
Publish Date: June 30, 2022 | Single/Total View: 0/0 | Single/Total Download: 0/0
From the past to the present, it is seen that science and technology are the basis of many developments and changes. Universities, on the other hand, are the institutions that lead these changes and developments as places where scientific studies are conducted. In this respect, universities are subject to examination in terms of various subjects. As a result of the literature review on universities, it is seen that the appointment of rectors is a relatively less studied subject. The aim of the study is to examine historically the procedures of rector appointments in Turkey from the 1933 reform to the present and to offer solutions from a theoretical point of view by referring to the suggestions brought to the discussions on this subject. The research was conducted using the case study method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, and a holistic single case design was used in this process. Document analysis method was used to obtain the research data. Regarding the appointment of rectors, 18 resources, including 9 articles, 5 books and 4 official newspapers, in the National Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBİM) were examined. According to the research findings, the appointments of rectors in terms of reforms made regarding universities were examined as 1933-1946, 1946- 1981 and post-1981 periods. These periods were determined according to the themes that emerged by using keywords. At the end of the study, the prominent themes in the context of the key spokespersons used were grouped under three main themes: the electoral system, the democratic election system, and the appointment system. In this context, the appointment system for the period 1933-1946, the semi-democratic election system for the period 1946-1981, and the period after 1981 were determined as mixed. As a result of the research, it is suggested that the rectors are elected through a democratic election with the participation of internal and external stakeholders.
Keywords: Rectors, higher education, appointment
APA 7th edition
Konay, D., Evren, H.U., & Ulutas, M. (2022). A Look at the Appointment of Rectors from the Foundation of Turkish Republic. International Journal of Excellent Leadership, 2(1), 26-41.
Konay, D., Evren, H. and Ulutas, M. (2022). A Look at the Appointment of Rectors from the Foundation of Turkish Republic. International Journal of Excellent Leadership, 2(1), pp. 26-41.
Chicago 16th edition
Konay, Duygu, Hasan Ulvi Evren and Mehmet Ulutas (2022). "A Look at the Appointment of Rectors from the Foundation of Turkish Republic". International Journal of Excellent Leadership 2 (1):26-41.