Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Excellent Leadership 2022, Vol. 2(1) 42-49

Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Learning during Pandemic in the Digital Era

Hristo Tutunarov

pp. 42 - 49

Publish Date: June 30, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The purpose of this paper is to describe the ability of students to absorb information (including scientific) during a pandemic in the online environment. The article discusses the differences and similarities between online learning and traditional education. The aim is to define the most successful approaches to education in the 21st century. The research tries to define, consider, and analyze all the factors that affect the learning process, both direct and indirect nowadays. The main point is to analyze the disadvantages of online learning, what causes them and how to make the education process better in the digital era. The paper reveals some possible options for an upgrade of the education process. The approach is based on psychology and sociology, both theoretical and empirical. The participants in the research are 100 bachelor's students' in humanitarian specialties. The study methodology is based on observation and interview and systematic analyzes. The conclusion of the study is that modern education must be a hybrid between upgraded traditional education and online learning including the using of digital resources but with wide usage of learning by doing method.

Keywords: Teaching, education, online learning, disinformation

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Tutunarov, H. (2022). Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Learning during Pandemic in the Digital Era. International Journal of Excellent Leadership, 2(1), 42-49.

Tutunarov, H. (2022). Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Learning during Pandemic in the Digital Era. International Journal of Excellent Leadership, 2(1), pp. 42-49.

Chicago 16th edition
Tutunarov, Hristo (2022). "Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Learning during Pandemic in the Digital Era". International Journal of Excellent Leadership 2 (1):42-49.