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pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Organizational Commitment According to the Opinions of Classroom Teachers
Gülcan Bekez Esin, Ali Rıza Erdem pp. 2 - 20 Abstract Organizational commitment is fundamental at school, as in many institutions. It is only possible for teachers to exhibit a successful performance and to deal with students in a highly motivated manner only if they have a strong organizational commitment. This research aims to determine the organizational commitment levels of teachers according to the opinions of primary school teachers and to determine how classroom teachers' organizational commitment levels differ according to demographic variables. Survey research, which is one of the quantitative research designs, was used. The study population of the research consists of 674 classroom teachers working in Efeler district of Aydın province in the 2021-2022 academic year. With the proportional stratified sampling method, 300 classroom teachers were sampled. According to the opinions of the classroom teachers, it was concluded that organizational commitment was moderate, moral commitment was high, selfinterested commitment was moderate and forced commitment was very low. Keywords: Educational sciences, organizational commitment, classroom teacher, opinion | |
Original Articles The Effect of Virtual Games on Learning English
Halil Dundar Canguven, Tugba Yılmaz, Mustafa Çaglar Yorulmaz, Ahmet Takan pp. 21 - 37 Abstract The aim of this study is to get opinions on the effect of preferential use of English language in virtual games on individuals' learning English. In this study, in which the qualitative research method was used, case study was adopted from the qualitative research designs. The sample of the research consists of 8 students, 4 of whom live in Türkiye and 4 in Germany. Participants were determined according to the purposive sampling method. The interview technique was used in the research. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool developed by the researchers for the interviews. The codes and categories created from the answers were added to the study in terms of validity and reliability. Based on the statements created by the researchers with independent coding, the reliability of the study was calculated as 90% using the Miles and Huberman formula. The voluntary participation was taken into consideration. The participants’ language options in the virtual games are “English”, “German” and “Turkish” which are 3 of the codes determined in this research. It is thought that teaching foreign languages by integrating them into games will strengthen individuals' learning by increasing their interest in foreign languages. Keywords: Virtual games, English language, Language option, English learning | |
Original Articles A Review on Tenses in Turkish Children’s Narratives Between the Ages of 3 and 4
Yusuf Polat, Mehmet Birgun pp. 38 - 48 Abstract In this study, the acquisition of tenses in Turkish-speaking children between the ages of 3 and 4 is examined. Particular attention is given to the anchored tenses in narratives for kids, the connection between the ability to follow a plot structure and the propensity to maintain a dominant tense, and the emergence of the suffixes "-mIş" and "-(I)yor" with age. The study intends to examine the degree to which the relationship between tense and narrative structure is apparent in young children's language use and compare its findings with those of Aksu-Koç (1994) on 3 and 5-year-olds. Data were gathered through elicitation tasks and narrative retellings, and their accuracy and frequency of tense usage were analyzed. According to the findings, the children in this study exhibit tense acquisition patterns that are comparable to those seen in earlier studies, with a preference for present tense and present progressive markers. The study also demonstrates a relationship between narrative structure and tense usage, indicating that children's growing comprehension of narrative coherence may affect how they utilize tense and aspect markers. Last but not least, the results provide some credence to Özcan's (2007) assertion that the use of "-mIş" declines with age while the use of "-(I)yor" rises, however more studies are required to corroborate this pattern. These findings have consequences for how we see the linguistic growth of Turkish-speaking children. Keywords: Language acquisition, tenses, anchoring tense, Turkish learning | |
Original Articles Basics and Characteristics of Quantitative Research in Social Sciences: A Brief Guide for Educational Research
Burcu Altun pp. 49 - 60 Abstract The human-nature conflict is a phenomenon that has been going on since the first day of human history. It can be said that humans have to make sense of nature in order to survive and improve their living standards. Throughout history, people have tried many different ways to make sense of nature and its phenomena. Through mythology, religion, metaphysics and ultimately science, human beings have constantly searched for the truth. He has made a conscious effort to understand and analyze himself, other people, and the phenomena and events around him, and has followed appropriate paths. In this study, after briefly mentioning the human search for truth and then the positivist approach to finding the truth, quantitative research, which is a reflection of the positivist approach, and its characteristics will be discussed. Basic quantitative research designs will be classified and the role of quantitative research in educational research will be examined. Finally, the concerns of quantitative research will be emphasized. Keywords: Positivism, qualitative research, educational research, social sciences | |
Original Articles Group Behavior: A Conceptual Analysis
Yasemin Yeşilbaş Özenç pp. 61 - 69 Abstract People join a group for reasons such as avoiding the feeling of loneliness and social exclusion, being accepted by others, gaining status, and achieving success with the group, based on the need of sense of belonging mentioned in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When individuals join groups, they both influence the group with their personal characteristics and are also affected by the structure, behavioral norms and situational conditions of the group. Many features such as the structure and characteristics of the group, individual characteristics of group members, norms of the group, roles, duties and status of the individuals have an impact on group behavior. It is important for the group members and the group leader to work in coordination in order for the group to achieve its goals and ensure its sustainability. In this study, the conceptual framework of individual and situational factors related to group behavior, characteristics of group structure, group development and group outcomes is presented with a holistic approach. The study is considered to be important in terms of providing researchers with a conceptual analysis on group behavior. Keywords: Group behavior, group dynamics, group norms, group leader |