Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Leadership Policy and Practices to Improve First Year College Students Academic Degree and Career Success
Dyan Robinson, Olcay Yavuz pp. 2 - 23 Abstract In transitioning to college, students face many challenges and obstacles during the first year of college Students bring an increasingly diverse set of experiences to campus. In order to develop a deeper understanding of how firstyear student persist in higher education, this study explored what are the perceptions of college freshmen related to academic, degree and career support received by a peer mentor during their first semester. This study also investigated how the six factors including race, high school GPA, gender, campus residency, being a first-generation student, and the gender peer mentor impact the perception of college freshmen as related to academic, degree and career support received. Specifically, the findings indicate what difference does peer mentoring make in academic performance and career development of the first-year students. Since many first-year students are at risk of leaving college in debt and without degree completion causing stress and financial hardship, it is the intention that this study will encourage first year college student success through providing them proper academic, degree and career support. This study employed a descriptive research design. Quantitative data was collected from the College Student Mentoring Scale (Crisp, 2009) survey Keywords: First Year College Students, Academic, Degree and Career Support | |
Original Articles Education During Pandemic in the World and in Turkey
Goksel Ergul , Saadet Kuru Cetin pp. 24 - 34 Abstract The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic that occurred and spread in 2019, has caused important changes especially in health, economic, social aspects all over the world. Currently, because of the pandemic, face-toface training can not be carried out throughout the world. Undoubtedly, one of the most significant changes has occured in education systems. Countries are struggling with new situations caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic all over the world. Administrators of the countries and education strive to satisfy the needs of the students through e-learning. Therefore, millions of people around the world have started to receive education by the help of e-learning. Although e-learning is the only, most important and useful tool in this pandemic process, it has also some barriers. This paper examines the views of teachers in Mentese district in Mugla, on e-learning implementation barriers during the Covid-19 pandemic at four barrier levels, namely teacher, school, curriculum and student. Data was collected through an online questionnaire, involving 104 participants from primary and secondary schools in Mentese district in Mugla. Survey design which is one of the quantitative research methods was used to state the e-learning barriers of the teachers. Keywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, pandemic, e-learning | |
Original Articles A Journey Towards Culturally Proficiency Lessons Learned From Africa
Corinne Brion pp. 35 - 45 Abstract This autoethnography tells my story as a French American woman who lives in the United States and worked with hundreds of school leaders in five African countries over a period of six years. Using a cultural proficiency continuum, I illustrate my learning and changing frames of references pertaining to cultural differences. Movement along the continuum indicates an alteration in thinking that progresses from marginalization to inclusivity. My experiences, mistakes, and lessons learned contribute to the discourse on cultural difference. For six years, I spent more time on the African continent than in my American home. These extended stays allowed me to observe and alter my understandings of cultural values related to colonization generational trauma, the notion of personal space, community, verbal and non-verbal communication, and the importance of culturally relevant leadership and teaching in order to serve refugee and immigrant students across the globe. It is my hope that this autoethnography will encourage school leaders across the world to adopt an empathetic mindset towards students and families coming from different cultures. Taking into account culture is crucial as schools in the United States are becoming more and more diverse racially, ethnically, and linguistically. Keywords: Autoethnography, cultural proficiency, adult learning, PK12, leadership | |
Original Articles Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Context of Children’s Rights
Bilgen Kiral pp. 46 - 62 Abstract This research was conducted in order to evaluate the rights of children during the COVID-19 pandemic process in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The research is a compilation study based on a literature review. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children's rights are divided into four categories as the right to life, development, participation, and protection. The right of life to survival, nutrition, shelter, warmth, medical care, health, and a quality life of the child are included. The right of development education, acquiring and receiving information, play; other rights are the child’s rights to expressing his views his views, meeting, and agreeing on decisions are within the scope of his right to participation. The rights such as protecting the child from negligence and physical-emotional and sexual abuse are the right of the child to be protected. It has been determined that these rights have been violated by states and families during the pandemic process. At the end of the research, it is for the benefit of children that the family psychologist and dietician application should put into practice. It has also been determined that states should increase helping of fuel and nutrition, health assistance, and create mobile health and vaccination services for children. In addition, states should formulate emergency action plans for refugees, working children, and adolescent girls who are at risk of school dropout. Also states should task to mayors, school administrators and teachers to follow these students, giving free hotspot passwords for students without internet access, distributing computers and tablets. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, children's rights, life, development, participation, protection | |
Original Articles School Discipline and Its Legislation in China
Charlie J. Russo, Xiaochuan Jiang pp. 63 - 68 Abstract School disciplinary measures have been controversial for a long time in China. However, on March 1st, 2021, the "Disciplinary Rules for primary and secondary education (Trial)" published by China’s Ministry of Education came into effect, and it will guide teachers at elementary, middle, and high schools in China. This article examines the background of the new rule for school disciplinary measure and analyzes its content. In addition, it introduced the different types of measures and their procedural requirements in "Disciplinary Rules for primary and secondary education" and discussed the implications for future disciplinary practice. We advised that the schools should make their codes of conduct public and transparent; teachers should keep the rule of discipline in mind, applying it fairly; educators should implement disciplines following the procedural requirement. Keywords: School, disciplinary, rules, right, student | |
Original Articles Evaluation of Perceptions on Leadership Dimensions in Applications for Community Services
Mehmet Ulutas pp. 69 - 76 Abstract The current study aims to evaluate Informational and Instructional Technologies 3rd year students’ perceptions of leadership dimensions in Community Service Practices course. The current research was designed as quantitative study. Survey method, a quantitative research method, was utilized. A structured form was utilized in the research. Totally four open-ended questions, one for each leadership dimension, are included in the form. The form, prepared based on general purposes of the research, aims to measure leadership dimensions. Study group consisted of 73 students taking Social Service Practices class. The forms filled out by the students were carefully examined and the findings were reached through content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques. In the study, 8 important leadership behaviors were identified. To reinforce these behaviors, incentive systems such as additional courses, coaching and mentoring have been proposed to the students. Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Dimensions, Community Services |